How to Get rid of things

How to Get rid of things

This post is about getting rid of things in exchange for a better life. I live this every day, folks. I lived an especially tough version of this recently with our baby's nursery. Her room had always been "my room." I stored crafts in there, as well as a makeup station, and a large computer where I used to do photo work and spend quality time on facebook. I spent hours in that room watching tweens on Youtube condescendingly tell me how to apply eyeliner for a sophisticated party look. Those were the days. It was basically a room to store my passing interests. Between us friends, it was a packed room that became easily cluttered and often caused me anxiety. 

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Simply Styled Shelves for Kitchen66 in Downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma

Simply Styled Shelves for Kitchen66 in Downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma

Our friends at The Idea Collective asked us to help with one of their Tulsa projects–Kitchen 66, an innovative kitchen space for food entrepreneurs, which includes a delicious restaurant, Cafe 66. This kitchen space and education for local food makers is a program developed by the Lobeck-Taylor Family Foundation. Read more about what this facility offers on their website.

Meanwhile, our part in the story of this kitchen kickstarter program was getting to stock and style the shelves on the cafe floor. We couldn't have been more excited. 

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from Country French to Bohemian Modern: The story of my living room

from Country French to Bohemian Modern: The story of my living room

Welcome to my current living room.

This is the story of my living room, dining room, and adult life. Dramatic, but true.

Much like religion and politics, a lot of folks start out just doing what their parents do in their homes. Just-bought-my-first-house-Ashley Daly was no different. Gilded things, Country French, brushed bronze, frosted light shades, yellow walls, and bunnies everywhere. A lovely space, but not quite my own.

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A guide to letting go and homing in on your dream décor

A guide to letting go and homing in on your dream décor

A full house does not mean you are done decorating your home; it means you are just beginning to work on real design. We shared how to start fine-tuning your home style in the most recent Tulsa Voice. Read a snippet below.  

I’ve heard all my life how much personal growth lay ahead of me—after high school, after college, in my first job, in marriage, and so on. Turns out, it’s true. I know one negative attitude can ruin the collaboration of an entire team, I know bosses take you seriously if you take yourself seriously, I know it’s OK to pause an argument late at night and wait for the perspective only morning can bring, and I know money is important but happiness is priceless.

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