Fiddle Leaf Fig Care

Fiddle Leaf Fig Care

How to Care for your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree may just be the most internet famous tree. You're pretty much not a design blog if you don't have at least one image of a fiddle leaf on your blog. SO, consider this the official start to our blog. Thank God, we are finally legit.

I bought this tree about two and a half years ago when I was nearing the end of my pregnancy with Harriet. I was freaking excited. I'd heard they are finicky about light and that they hate being moved around, so I was also stinking nervous. I figured I was about to step up to keeping another human alive, I was definitely up for the challenge of a tree. Meh. 

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How to Become a Green Thumb

How to Become a Green Thumb

Becoming a plant lady

If you can't tell from all my instagram stories about plants, I am on a journey to become a green thumb. I'm trying to document this path for all my fellow dreamers out there. When #jungalowstyle is ever in our faces, and when NASA recommends at least one air-purifying plant per 100 square feet of our homes, I want to be that person offering a nod to the cold hard truth of plant care–it ain't always easy and it's not just about watering them. 

I have a secret weapon lovingly nicknamed "Succulent Sara." While she's best known for growing our fabulous and beloved succulents, her past life includes managing a large nursery with all types of plants. It's in her heart and in her soul, and she's my friend. I am not afraid to ask her all sorts of inane questions about the plants I am harboring up at Retro Den. 

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Easy House Plants that Keep You Company but Don't Take Your Time

Easy House Plants that Keep You Company but Don't Take Your Time

You may have noticed, we love house plants. We love them for the energy, color and life they bring into our spaces. Whether styling rooms in our own homes or a scene at the shop, there's always a house plant involved. Although we have great love for house plants, we understand that sometimes keeping them alive can be stressful. We've all got busy lives, right? Who wants to be stressed out by a house plant? That's why we've put together our top three favorite house plants that keep you company, but don't take your time. 

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Yucca Tree Care & Repotting

Yucca Tree Care & Repotting

Yuccas are attractive, architectural trees that can make a big statement in your space. Below we've summarized basic care and repotting tips from our plant expert, Sara.

Basic Care

Give your yucca tree morning sun to shade and about a gallon of water every other week. If you are keeping it outside, bring it in when the temperature drops to 40 degrees.

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Succulent Care Guide: Keeping Your Tiny Succulent Cute in its Terracotta Pot

Succulent Care Guide: Keeping Your Tiny Succulent Cute in its Terracotta Pot

Succulents in these teeny tiny terracotta pots are some of our shop favorites. Succulent Sara and her cousin Pat are constantly potting these babies to keep up with demand. Who could blame you all for wanting these? They're so cute!

One question we often get asked is, "how long can they live in this tiny pot?" The answer is, however long you want them to!

Succulents are like goldfish–they only get as big as their pot, and you don't ever have to transplant them to a bigger pot unless you want to. That said, your little guys may need some maintenance after living with you for a year or two. 

Follow the steps below to keep your baby succulent happily living in its tiny pot year after year.

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