We ask Little Yellow Couch Style Matters podcast hosts why style matters
/Little Yellow Couch "Style Matters" podcast hosts Karen June Grant and Zandra Zuraw.
We've been listening to Little Yellow Couch's Style Matters podcast for a while now. Palmer often runs to it in the mornings, and I (Daly) sew to it during toddler nap-times. Karen and Zandra are funny and warm people who are passionate about the significant role style can play in people's lives. We love the guests they host–so many interesting, smart people who have made a business of helping inspire others in the interior design realm. It's not just about beautiful spaces, it's about how spaces can make you feel and help you be your best self.
This past week, Ashley and I, were lucky enough to be welcomed on to the Style Matters podcast as guests. We had THE best time and are so excited to share it with you. Click below to hear us chat it up about style and homes and furniture jokes.
We wanted to turn the microphone around and ask our hosts a few questions about themselves and their beliefs about having a well-styled home. Scroll on to hear how their podcast kicked-off, what their favorite home items are, and to see their beautiful spaces. Thanks again for having us Karen and Zandra! We love business duos who obviously enjoy one another as much as we enjoy each other.
How did you start the podcast?
It all started in grade school ... Karen was already hitting flea markets and auction halls on the weekends for great vintage finds and Zandra was redecorating her pied-à-terre, I mean bedroom, on a weekly basis. We eventually grew up and well did more of the same. FINALLY, in 2007 we met and started swapping creative ideas in our individual maker businesses which lead to a joint blog and eventually in 2015 the Style Matters Podcast! We were looking for an outlet to chat about our favorite subject, style, with designers and stylists who were just as passionate about it as we were. Its now our favorite creative project of all time thanks to our awesome guests!
Karen Grant's living room.
Zandra Zuraw's living room. Bookcase! Plants! Brass!
What is your favorite vintage piece you own?
Karen: So many to choose from! Gah! Ok so I'm going to chose my vintage cabinet of drawers. I have been searching for one forever and finally found the perfect one at Brimfield Antique show last spring. In fact, Zandra spotted it first when she went earlier in the week and sent me a picture while she went to check on the price for me. It was already SOLD! So I headed out to the show later in the week hoping against hope that I would finally find one and there it was ... the same one Zandra had sent me! The deal must have fallen through and the price had even been lowered. I worked my haggling magic and got it for a steal. It's now my favorite piece because it also houses so many of my other finds. I even have a drawer in it filled with tiny vintage treasures that guests can take home when they come for a visit!
Karen's gorgeous vintage drawers.
Zandra: Can I cheat and mention more than one? I'll start with my collection of Zane Grey westerns. He wrote a ton of books from the early 1900s into the forties and I discovered him in a vintage book store when my husband and I were visiting Santa Fe for the first time. They are such wonderful objects to decorate with... they are colorful and beautiful on their own but they're also very versatile. I use them in many different ways to prop up my other vintage finds when changing things up in my home. They remind me of our trips out west and my love affair with Santa Fe. I'm also partial to my collection of Huston biscuit boxes. My great-great grandfather, William Huston, started the company in the late 1800s and I love knowing that my entrepreneurial tendencies come from my family history!
Zandra's vintage modern dining room. So many good colors and feels here. And dearest Lord, that lamp.
You know our vintage-loving crowd, who are some instagram feeds you are enjoying right now who may be a good fit for our peeps?
Melissa Parks @megillicutti : A Chicago antiques dealer whose feed makes our hearts flutter.
Jennifer Harrison @fleamarketfab : A textile matchmaker friend with a heart of gold.
Kyla Magrath @kylamagrathinteriors and host of #howivintage Seriously droolworthy feed of vintage love.
Cowboy Kate @cowboykate_ : She makes us want to paint our walls black and collect vintage taxidermy peacocks.
Wise Apple Vintage @wiseapplevintage : Because we want everything in her shop and she makes little brass animals dance.
And of course, Retro Den @retrodentulsa! We love the vignettes and rooms you style in your shop and share with us on IG!
How have each of your styles evolved since you've known each other? (Answer about the other person)
Karen: Ha! Well, Zandra has painted and redecorated her house literally 5,000 times since I first met her 10 years ago. She has always had a love of color, vintage and art. Those are definitely the threads that have connected her style throughout the years. However, each of these threads has evolved over the years as we all do. Color used to show itself boldly on every wall of every room but now surprises you in places like her powder room. Once colorful walls are now the perfect grey allowing bold artwork to be the star. Her favorite vintage pieces have always been furniture and collectibles with a history (like her Huston biscuit boxes and coffee table from her great great grandfather's business) expertly layered with modern pieces. Now I am seeing vintage textiles added to that mix. Art has always been at the center of every room in her home and I have loved watching that collection grow, move and evolve over the years. I think our homes can be such a beautiful reflection of our personal evolution.
Zandra your guestroom's gallery wall is doing it for us. We'll come stay here.
Zandra's seating just off her kitchen.
Zandra's warm, colorful, and welcoming bedroom.
Zandra's home. Hey gals? Is this THE little yellow couch?
Zandra: I could go on and on about Karen's style! Vintage has always been at the core of her aesthetic. She's played with different styles and eras since I've known her, never settling on just one. Which is what makes her style so amazing... it's eclectic and personal and very much HER. In her last home, she had a very small kitchen that she found hard to deal with. But she totally fixed that by going full-on retro, complete with 1950s kitchen decor, old typewriters hanging on the wall, and twinkle lights to make it all seem magical. Now that she's living in a loft apartment, she's really playing up the contrast between the industrial style of the space with softer, vintage items that include textiles, oil paintings, antlers and plants. She is a master at layering and there is always something new to discover when I visit. Karen is also a maker at heart. Her home (and mine, because I'm lucky enough to be her friend), is filled with things she's made. Not only does she have fabulous taste, her work is exquisitely done. If you get a gift from Karen, you get really excited before opening it!
Karen's calm, luxurious bedroom.
We LOVE this desk, Karen. Architect desks are tops, for sure.
Why does style matter?
Because we said so. Just kidding. We believe that everyone has creativity at their core. They are born with it. However, creativity needs to be nurtured and we can do this in whatever lifestyle or field of work we chose. Our homes are the perfect canvas for our innate creativity as they are the backdrop to our lives. They are where we retreat from the outside world, where we spend time with our friends and families and where we center ourselves before the beginning of each new day. We believe that taking the time to create spaces that tell our stories, support us emotionally and nurture our relationships is so valuable. We believe it feeds all of the areas of our lives.
Thank you Karen and Zandra for giving us glimpses into your homes and your relationship with each other. We just love you two and the work you do!
Be sure to check out the Style Matters podcast (which has new weekly episodes!) and also check out the Little Yellow Couch blog and Instagram for even more wonderful design talk!