A-List Weekend Reading
/Sweet three week old Jack snoozing away in his family heirloom bassinet. The definition of #oldplusnew.
Someday I will put the trim up in my kitchen and style my shelves enough for a tour of it. Meanwhile, I'll keep offering up watering day photos. What a nice sight!
Hi, Jack is settling into the world and his folks are remembering just how little sleep is suitable for parents of newborns. Yikes! I (Daly) am coming off the glow of holding Jack while Palmer did our weekly accounting for me earlier this week. I got the better end of that Tuesday morning, for sure. I got to take some photos of Palmer's shared kid/baby room, so those are on the horizon. I presented for career day at the Tulsa School of Arts and Sciences. I made a really cool (I'm not sure the students agreed.) slideshow and enjoyed every moment of telling kids how great running a small business is. I also told them when interviewing for future jobs to do their best to get a window in their workspace. You guys, I never had a window until Retro Den. And what windows they are! I wish you each so many windows, and I leave you with these lovely links below to peruse all the best design content on the internet lately.
Check out this lovely boho bedroom by Emily Henderson.
Anyone else into the yellow refrigerator?
A simple, streamlined Airbnb. Yellow forever!
Our friend Emily Netz was recently on the Style Matters podcast with Zandra and Karen!
I'm a big fan of the artwork in this pretty home. Is that a pony with a pizza on its back? What do you think it means?!
This home is so calm. I LOVE the chair pair.
The studio space at the end!
Oh such a sweet, sweet space that so beautifully shows mixing old and new.
The striped walls! Reminds me of painting all my nails a different color in middle school.
Our buddy Tasha saved a vintage quilt, something Daly loves to do too. Speaking of Tasha, she is going through Owl and Drum's Handmade Wardrobe series...and sharing her experience here.
We made it to Friday! Get some rest, get something done, get whatever it is you need this weekend, even if you have to squeeze it in. XO