Before & After: Mid-Century Modern Meets Colorful Whimsy
/Paige and Jamie had never been to our store before when they reached out to us for a home styling session on their living room. A friend had recommended us, and after looking at our website, they reached out. We are so glad they did; they are such a fun couple to work with.
As with anytime two people share a space, two styles get mashed together. Jamie is more drawn to simple, modern lines. Paige has a bohemian, artistic, fun, and colorful look. We were so excited to tell them these two approaches don't have to compete–they can hold hands and be so beautiful as a combined style.
First, we had Paige and Jamie complete our home survey so we could better understand their home and what direction they wanted to take it. Perhaps most importantly, we wanted to understand how the couple wanted to use their space. Paige and Jamie like to watch tv in their living room, Paige loves to read and wanted a reading space, and they wanted this whole room to feel more cohesive and "grown up." In the service of these goals, we gave them specific advice and actions to take to transform their living room into a space that better reflected them as a couple. And, yikes, this couple got to work and checked nearly everything off of their list in no time flat–the results are truly stunning.
But wait! First, let's take a quick "before" tour.
Making design updates based on form and function
Keeping in mind the ways Paige and Jamie wanted to use their space as well as the design aesthetics they were each drawn to (Jamie– simple, modern lines, Paige– colorful and eclectic), we offered up specific actions, some of which we completed during their session (e.g., moving out unnecessary furniture) and others which they completed over the next few months (e.g., installing beautiful wallpaper) to take them closer to their ideal space. Enjoy the "after" photos below as well as commentary on what changed and why!
Keep what works: Paige and Jamie already owned several nice pieces that worked well with their space. For example, they were ready to get a new rug, but we loved it and said, no! We just wanted them to float it out from the wall a bit making a little more room for the furniture to breath and making the room feel larger and more open. We kept the front feet of the furniture on the rug.
Artwork Front and Center: We loved the barrel shaded lights, and just wanted to move them around a bit. Centering the light over the sofa made it feel like the star of the room...but in the after photos, you'll see Paige's artwork is the star now. Lamps are typically best served as architectural grounding for the room and practical sources of light, not necessarily centerpieces.
Embrace what you love: Paige & Jamie were unsure about the coffee table, side table, and shelves that her brother built for them. Ashley and I could tell that they cared about the tables and liked them, and we were happy to encourage them in their love of the tables. They are beautiful, handmade, and personal–definitely pieces that bring meaning to a space. Keep for sure! Celebrate them! Love what you love!
Comfy Reading Chairs: While their current sofa and side chairs could have worked into a cohesive space, Paige wasn't in love with the chairs for her reading spot because they weren't very comfortable. We told her to cater to her hobby and the life she wants to lead. Do you spend a lot of time nestling up and reading? Support that part of your life with a chair you love that is very comfortable. (Note: we suggested our favorite places to shop vintage in Tulsa and Paige scored these beauties from our neighbor, Vintage Vault.)
Sofa swap: They opted for a new sofa knowing the lower profile of a sectional with a chaise would help open the whole room into one space.
Shopping the home: We shopped their home and found this gorgeous rug being underutilized in another room and brought it out to the library space we were creating.
Make room for the life you what to live: We encouraged them to get rid of the extra dining table they had in their breakfast room and replace it with the beautiful one you can see in these before photos. Paige's brother made it for them! Also, Paige loves to read, so bookshelves seemed like the perfect thing to put on the wall where the extra dining table was. She has all those books, why not store them beautifully?!
No office space needed: The couple already have an office, so we encouraged them to remove the green desk in the before photos. It's not a bad desk, it just doesn't serve the core purposes of this room, and it instead gave them a place to collect clutter. It was also a piece Paige had collected and felt attached to. Once she set a goal for her room, it was easier for her to let go of pieces like this that didn't get them closer to the room they needed and wanted.
We encouraged the couple to display meaningful artwork and objects they loved, plus family photos.
Get rid of things you don't love: Paige and Jamie weren't happy with all of the objects they had displayed on the shelving Paige's brother made for her. We helped them let go of the things they didn't love (without feeling guilty) and then shopped their home for meaningful things they did want to see every day. We also encouraged them to arrange their objects in groups of varying heights instead of lining them up on the shelves.
Creating a statement: The television wall felt functional and dull. We wanted them to invite that wall into the room by making it visually pleasing. We suggested wallpaper–Paige the pattern lover was excited and Jamie was hesitant. They settled on a very subtle watercolor of a pattern that picked up on the blues of the rug. We had the dvds re-homed somewhere less prominent and shifted the television to the side of the tv stand. Putting the tv to the side makes it less of a focus and allows the eyes to notice art pieces we encouraged them to place in this new open space. Notice the lovely House Sparrow Fine Nesting macrame mobile she made from a class she took!
We are so proud of the shifts Paige and Jamie have made to their living room, making it not only more beautiful, but also more functional for their lifestyle. It is so satisfying to see elements of both of their styles blended together in a seamless way, complementing rather than competing with one another, creating a space that is both personal and meaningful to them as a couple.
Thank you for sharing your home with us, Paige and Jamie. We have truly enjoyed getting to know you two.